Saturday, August 23, 2008

Now the Waiting

It would be fair to say that this has not been one of the better competitions as far as task scoring is concerned. One by one the results come out for each task. The first provisional scores are riddled with errors which are teased out. With each new issue the provisional score sheets become nearer and nearer their final shape, as competitors move up and down in position following each adjustment. Finally, the official scores are released, task by task, It's like drawing teeth. Medals come within view and then disappear again.

Right now we are sure of one gold medal for Paul and David, who have a clear lead. But there may be more. I don't want to tempt fate by giving anything away, but I'm off to see if there are more scores in our pigeon-hole.


Unknown said...

Think we should speak to Gordon Brown about the Kighthood's for the medal winners ??

Anonymous said...

26th August and we're still waiting. Have the official results been published yet??